Our main activity is the organisation of scientific events. We provide support services across the board for small and large events, from small workshops to multidisciplinary congresses. Our experience and demonstrated track record are backed by excellent references. Always with the dedicated, personal attention to detail that is the hallmark of our work...
We offer our services in standard packages that can be combined or fine-tuned to meet your exact requirements.
Beyond a simple or complex website, our wide range of support services for scientific societies focus on administrative tasks and improved membership management. We can also provide full integration between the membership base and events organised by the society.
Logos, websites, announcement flyers, newsletters, congress banners... Our design team offers its creativity for a wide variety of tasks. Meticulous layout ensures that our congress proceedings are always homogeneously formatted. We can deliver both printed material or printer-ready files.
Although most of our work revolves around scientific themes, our portfolio of websites extends beyond this general area. Our team works with you to ensure the level of web presence that you desire, from simple static pages to dynamic and multilingual websites.
A website is only as functional as the hardware and IT engineers behind it. We provide personalised services, generally restricted to members of the scientific community. With our own servers you can count on excellent reliability, redundant connectivity, and prompt support services.
Publishing your research depends also on the quality of the submitted manuscripts. Our native English speakers with personal experience in different areas of the life sciences provide valuable proofreading and editing. We also translate texts in many scientific areas, in several languages.