Fabio Benfenati
Gabriella Gallo
Piero Ruggeri
Laura Avanzino
Pietro Baldelli
Marco Bove
Laura Canesi
Anna Corradi
Emanuela Faelli
Anna Fassio
Silvia Giovedì
Franco Onofri
Pierluigi Valente
Adriana Voci
[22 Sep 2015] NEWS
The volume
66th SIF National Congress:
Programme & Abstracts
has been published, with ISBN 9788894010527,
and was distributed to all
Congress participants.
Location: University Palace (via Balbi 5, Genoa)
12:00-19:00 |
Registration |
14:00-15:00 |
Visit of the University Palace (Palazzo dei Gesuiti and Palazzo Balbi) Meeting point: entrance of via Balbi 5 |
15:00-17:00 |
Council of Physiology Professors [Aula della Meridiana] |
15:00-17:00 |
Pre-Meeting Symposium [Aula Magna] |
Frontiers in synaptic plasticity Chair: Anna Fassio (Genoa, Italy) Egidio D'Angelo (Pavia, Italy) Distributed synaptic plasticity in closed-loop robotic simulations Arianna Maffei (New York, NY, USA) Crosstalk between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic plasticity in sensory neocortex Gian Michele Ratto (Pisa, Italy) Acute alterations of the excitation/inhibition equilibrium interfere with normal visual processing in the adult mouse Anna Fassio (Genoa, Italy) Synaptic vesicle pool as a target for synaptic plasticity Andrea Barberis (Genoa, Italy) Molecular mechanisms of post-synaptic inhibitory plasticity |
17:00 |
Opening Cerimony [Aula Magna] |
Welcome to Participants by University and City Authorities Lauro Magnani (University of Genoa, Italy) Ricerca e Formazione in un "museo diffuso": il patrimonio artistico e monumentale dell'Università di Genova |
17:30 |
Opening Lecture [Aula Magna] |
Semir Zeki (University College London, London, UK) The Neurobiology of Beauty |
19:00 |
Welcome Cocktail |
Location: Porto Antico Congress Center
8:30-10:30 |
Parallel Symposia |
Symposium 1 [Room Scirocco] In memory of Francesco (Ciccio) Vitiello Bernard Poulain (Strasbourg, France) Coexistence of distinct pools of release-ready synaptic vesicles shapes the ability of neurons to maintain synaptic efficacy Mirella Ghirardi (Turin, Italy) Formation and plasticity of neuronal circuits of the land snail Helix aspersa in vitro Graziano Fiorito (Naples, Italy) How behavioural plasticity is achieved, the case of the Octopus Gianfranco Gennarini (Bari, Italy) Regulated expression of axonal adhesive glycoproteins in synaptic plasticity, neural development and evolution Chiara Milanese (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Zebrafish as a model to study nitrite neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease Symposium 2 [Room Levante-Ponente] Chair: Matteo Cerri (Bologna, Italy) Matteo Cerri (Bologna, Italy) Central control of metabolic rate: exploiting hibernation Hannah Carey (Madison, WI, USA) The host-microbe symbiosis is remodeled during hibernation Rob H. Henning (Groningen, The Netherlands) Role of endogenous H2S production in hibernation Domenico Tupone (Portland, OR, USA) Central activation of the A1 adenosine receptor (A1AR) induces hypothermia and a torpor-like state: clinical implication in stroke and neurogenic fever Ugo Faraguna (Pisa, Italy) Hibernation and sleep: a synaptic link? |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break [Congress Center] |
11:00-13:00 |
Parallel Workshops |
Workshop 1 · Neural Plasticity [Room Scirocco] Chairs: Natale Belluardo (Palermo, Italy), Egidio D'Angelo (Pavia, Italy) Valentina Di Liberto (Palermo, Italy) Muscarinic Acetilcholine receptors transactivate Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and enhance neurite outgrowth in hippocampal neurons Walter Gulisano (Catania, Italy) Physiological role of TGF-β1 in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory Federico Pecoraro Bisogni (Genoa, Italy) Repressor Element-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) - dependent synaptic homeostasis of hippocampal excitatory synapses exposed to chronic hyperactivity Giorgia Giansante (Genoa, Italy) Differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) into functional human neurons Giampiero Leanza (Trieste, Italy) Noradrenergic regulation of spatial learning and memory in the rat: effects of selective lesions and repair by transplanted noradrenergic neuroblasts Claudia Lunghi (Pisa, Italy) Short-term monocular deprivation alters GABA in the adult human visual cortex Manuela Medelin (Trieste, Italy) Altered development in GABA co-release shapes glycinergic synaptic currents in cultured spinal slices of the SOD1G93A mouse model Marialuisa Tognolina (Pavia, Italy) Cerebellar plasticity resolved by advanced multi-photon microscopy Workshop 2 · Cell Physiology [Room Libeccio] Chairs: Elena Fabbri (Bologna, Italy), Maria Marino (Rome, Italy) Laura Canesi (Genoa, Italy) Disturbance in lipid homeostasis by environmental chemicals in mammalian and invertebrate hepatic cells Filippo Acconcia (Rome, Italy) Endocytic proteins regulate 17β-estradiol-induced cell proliferation Bruno Burlando (Alessandria, Italy) Resveratrol induces intracellular Ca2+ rise in mesothelioma cells via T-type Ca2+ channels Maria A. Mariggiò (Pescara, Italy) Evidence for impaired intracellular Ca2+ handling in GAP43-knockout myotubes Tiziano Verri (Lecce, Italy) Structure-function relationships in vertebrate transport proteins: a ‘phylogenetic’ approach for the H+/peptide transporter PEPT1 (SLC15A1) Rosa Mancinelli (Pescara, Italy) Relationship between oxidative stress and muscle regeneration in aging Mirko Baruscotti (Milan, Italy) Molecular aspects of ivabradine binding to hHCN4 and hHCN1 channel pores Andrea Barbuti (Milan, Italy) Human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes as a model to unravel electrophysiological alterations at the basis of familial atrial fibrillation Workshop 3 · Physiological mechanisms of nutritional and metabolic adaptation [Room Levante-Ponente] Chairs: Antonio Colantuoni (Naples, Italy), Alberto Battezzati (Milan, Italy) Amilcare Barca (Lecce, Italy) Involvement of genes related to carnosine metabolism in diabetic neuropathy: evidence in murine PNS tissues affected by hyperglycemic conditions Giuseppe Calamita (Bari, Italy) Decreased hepatic aquaporin-9 and glycerol permeability are related to insulin resistance in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Gabriella Gallo (Genoa, Italy) A silybin-phospholipid complex ameliorates lipid accumulation and oxidative stress in an in vitro model of steatohepatitis Assunta Lombardi (Naples, Italy) Uncoupling Protein-3 influences energy metabolism and high fat diet induced lipid accumulation in mice maintained at thermoneutrality Maria Pina Mollica (Naples, Italy) Sodium butyrate and its synthetic amide derivative affect energy efficiency and inflammatory state by modulating mitochondrial function Elena Grossini (Novara, Italy) Des acyl ghrelin increases coronary blood flow in anesthetized pig in a nitric oxide-dependent way. Analysis of mechanisms of action in coronary artery endothelial cells Rachele Garella (Florence, Italy) Relaxin reduces cigarette smoke-mediated vascular injury in aortic preparations from guinea pigs: functional and immunohistochemical studies Herbert Ryan Marini (Messina, Italy) Diet, nutrition and heart function in menopause: potential benefit of genistein, a soy-derived isoflavone, in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome |
13:00-15:00 |
Lunch and Poster Discussion [Rossopomodoro Restaurant and Congress Center] |
15:00-17:00 |
Parallel Symposia |
Symposium 3 [Room Scirocco-Libeccio] Chair: Laura Ballerini (Trieste, Italy) Vladimir Parpura (Birmingham, AL, USA/Rijeka, Croatia) Probing astrocytes with carbon nanotubes and assessing their effects on astrocyte structural and functional properties Fernando Maya-Vetencourt (Genoa, Italy) Commanding neuronal activity with light: from photovoltaic interfaces to neural prosthesis Paolo Medini (Umeå, Sweden) Optical and electrophysiological exploration of cortical circuits in the living brain Vincenzo Lombardi (Florence, Italy) Realization of a sarcomere-like machine based on muscle myosin Laura Ballerini (Trieste, Italy) 3D carbon nanotube scaffolds shape neurites navigation in bio-hybrid microsystems functionally reconnecting segregated spinal explants Symposium 4 [Room Levante-Ponente] Chair: Carlo Capelli (Verona, Italy/Oslo, Norway) Vittore Verratti (Chieti, Italy) Gokyo Khumbu/Ama Dablam Trek 2012: a dual model of scientific expedition Tiziana Pietrangelo (Chieti, Italy) High altitude and physical training: human responses at cellular level Luana Ricci-Paulesu (Siena, Italy) Altitude-induced changes in young adult women: physiological role of hypoxia, MIF, oxidative stress and gonadal hormones Carlo Capelli (Verona, Italy/Oslo, Norway) Effects of physical training and high altitude exposure on oxidative metabolism and muscle composition in humans Bruno Grassi (Udine, Italy) Combined effects of inactivity and hypoxia on skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism in humans |
17:00-17:30 |
Coffee Break [Congress Center] |
17:30-18:30 |
Plenary Lecture [Room Scirocco-Libeccio] |
Roberto Cingolani (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy) The impact of future technologies in health and social life |
19:30-20:30 |
Teatro Carlo Felice [Auditorium E. Montale] Alberto Tessarotto (piano) |
Location: Porto Antico Congress Center
8:30-10:00 |
Parallel Junior Symposia |
Symposium 5 [Room Scirocco] Chair: Cristian Ripoli (Rome, Italy) Fabrizia Cesca (Genoa, Italy) The neuronal protein Kidins220/ARMS is a functional mediator of nervous system development, maturation and plasticity Giorgia Fattorini (Ancona, Italy) Co-expression of VGLUT1 and VGAT sustains glutamate and GABA co-release in cerebral cortex Cristian Ripoli (Rome, Italy) Direct and persistent activation of LIMK1 by CaMKII at glutamatergic synapses during hippocampal structural and functional plasticity Gabriele Lignani (London, UK) Sodium channel splice variants in the regulation of neuronal excitability Symposium 6 [Room Levante-Ponente] Chair: Rossella Breveglieri (Bologna, Italy) Luca Turella (Trento, Italy) Neural dynamics underlying action representations for motor planning Simona Monaco (Trento, Italy) Neural coding of action planning with and without visual feedback Rossella Breveglieri (Bologna, Italy) Effect of vision on grasping activity in monkey dorsomedial visual stream Marco Lanzilotto (Parma, Italy) Visuo-motor processing of graspable and non-graspable objects in pre-supplementary motor neurons of the macaque |
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break [Congress Center] |
10:30-12:30 |
Parallel Workshops |
Workshop 4 · Integrative Physiology [Room Scirocco] Chairs: Natale Belluardo (Palermo, Italy), Egidio D'Angelo (Pavia, Italy) Giulia Dal Bò (Bologna, Italy) Reaching a target in 3-dimensional space in macaque parietal area PEc Martina Parrini (Genoa, Italy) Reversing excitatory GABAA signaling restores synaptic plasticity and memory in a mouse model of Down syndrome Diego Manzoni (Pisa, Italy) Sensorimotor trigeminal unbalance modulates pupil size Laura Avanzino (Genoa, Italy) A peripheral sensory stimulus modulates the excitability of cerebello-cortical connectivity Federico Tinarelli (Genoa, Italy) The circadian mice mutant after-hours reveal epigenetic and physiological alterations in the brain Antonio Colantuoni (Naples, Italy) Malvidin’s effects on blood brain barrier alterations during hypoperfusion/reperfusion injury Francesco Moccia (Pavia, Italy) Intracellular Ca2+ oscillations mediate acetylcholine-induced nitric oxide release in mouse brain endothelial cells Serena Bovetti (Genoa, Italy) High-speed scanless imaging of genetically encoded functional indicators in the intact mouse brain Workshop 5 · Physiology of motor system and exercise Chairs: Guido Ferretti (Brescia, Italy), Marco Linari (Florence, Italy) Mattia Bonzanni (Milan, Italy) Effects of miRNAs modulated by endurance training on cardiomyocyte excitability Marco Caremani (Florence, Italy) Mechanics of the half-sarcomere in intact trabeculae from rat heart Simona Boncompagni (Chieti, Italy) Discovered the sites of store-operated calcium entry in skeletal muscle Massimo Reconditi (Florence, Italy) The role of the thick filament in the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction Eleonora Bardi (Pavia, Italy) Skeletal muscle deterioration in dilated cardiomyopathy: molecular mechanisms and effects of prolonged endurance training in Tg αq*44h mice Carlo Bruttini (Milan, Italy) Accuracy of a wrist-pointing movement in dominant and non-dominant hand is correlated to the timing of intra-limb Anticipatory Postural Adjustments Fabio Esposito (Milan, Italy) Electromechanical delay components during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 Giovanni Vinetti (Brescia, Italy) Effects of recovery interval duration during incremental exercise protocols on peak power and critical power in humans Workshop 6 · Cell- and Neuro-physiology [Room Levante-Ponente] Chairs: Maria Marino (Rome, Italy), Fabio Benfenati (Genoa, Italy) Valentina Pallottini (Rome, Italy) Mevalonate pathway involvement in neurite outgrowth Valerio Magnaghi (Milan, Italy) PKC-ε related mechanisms regulate neuroactive steroid-mediated effects in dorsal sensitive neurons Adriana Graziano (Catania, Italy) Effects of psychosine on some apoptosis markers in mouse oligodendrocyte precursors Ilaria Rivolta (Monza, Italy) Functional characterization of a mutation in KCNT1 gene related to non-familial Brugada Syndrome (BrS) Giulio Sancini (Milan, Italy) Nanotechnology to nanomedicine: are we about to cross the blood brain barrier? Jacopo Magistretti (Pavia, Italy) Two distinct mechanisms of depolarizing afterpotential (DAP) generation in entorhinal-cortex layer-II principal neurons Agnes Thalhammer (Genoa, Italy) P/Q-type Ca2+ channel splice isoforms shape short-term synaptic plasticity Enrico Castroflorio (Genoa, Italy) Role of PRRT2 on synaptic physiology and synaptic vesicle trafficking at the presynapse |
12:30-14:30 |
Lunch and Poster Discussion [Rossopomodoro Restaurant and Congress Center] |
14:30-15:30 |
"Best Poster" Pitch Contest [Room Scirocco-Libeccio] |
Chairs: Fabrizia Cesca (Genoa, Italy), Fabio Benfenati (Genoa, Italy) Oral presentation contest of the best 12 posters short-listed by the SIF Committee |
15:30-16:30 |
Fabio Ruzzier Lecture [Room Scirocco-Libeccio] |
Dag Linnarsson (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) Physiological constraints of a human colony on the Moon |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break [Congress Center] |
17:00-19:00 |
General Assembly [Room Scirocco-Libeccio] |
SIF Prize Lecture Best Poster Prize Art & Science Photography Prize Committee: Pietro Millefiore (Accademia Ligustica delle Belle Arti, Genoa), Hilda Ricaldone (Galleria Chan), Maurizio Vallebona (Aboutness Gallery), Martino Motti (fotografo e giornalista), Enzo Cei (fotografo) SIF General Assembly Election of the Board of The Council of Physiology Professors |
20:00-23:00 |
Visit to the Aquarium and Social Dinner [Genoa Aquarium] |
The poster's maximum size is 80 x 120 cm (width x height).
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Posters will be on display from 9.00 to 18.00. Poster presenters need to be present for poster discussion (13:00-15:00 on Thursday and 12:30-14:30 on Friday).
During the poster discussion, posters will be screened by a committee of experts and 12 posters will be selected to access the pitch poster contest scheduled on Friday September 18 at 14.30.
Posters of both sessions selected for the pitch contest will be announced on Friday 18 at 13:30 at the Registration Desk. Poster presenters are suggested to have relevant slides on their poster ready in the event of selection for the pitch contest. At the contest, presentations will be arranged in random order and presenters will have 3 min sharp (with slides) to convince the audience and the committee of their work. After 3 min, projector and microphone will be switched off.
P1.1 Teresa Balbi (Genoa) Effects of estrogenic compounds on gene expression on early development of Mytilus galloprovincialis |
P1.2 Leonardo Bocchi (Parma) Effects of acute exposure to cobalt oxide (Co3O4) nanoparticles on ventricular cardiomyocytes: electromechanical and cytotoxic characterization. |
P1.3 Annalisa Bucchi (Milan) Investigating the role of the If current in heart rate modulation with the Dynamic Clamp technique |
P1.4 Federico Buonanno (Macerata) Melanoma progression is reduced by the ciliated protozoan toxin climacostol: results from in vitro and in vivo studies |
P1.5 Patrizia Cantafio (Arcavacata di Rende, CS) Cardiac actions of Nesfatin-1 in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) |
P1.6 Davide Cervia (Viterbo) Acid sphingomyelinase expression in melanomas modulates autophagic process and tumour sensitivity to chemotherapeutics |
P1.7 Simona Damiano (Naples) Modulation of MUC2 and MUC5AC secretion by polyphenols in goblet cell-like LS174T cells |
P1.8 Rosamaria Fiorini (Ancona) Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on uterine leiomyoma cell membranes |
P1.9 Maria Elena Giordano (Squinzano) Claudin-1 and Claudin-2 immunolocalization in human intestinal duodenal epithelium of patients with Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS) |
P1.10 MarIa Giulia Lionetto (Lecce) Carbonic anhydrase involvement in the lysosomal system response to heavy metal exposure |
P1.11 Debora Lo Furno (Catania) Influence of lipoaspirate processing on physiological features of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells |
P1.12 Paola Lorenzon (Trieste) The P1-purinergic receptor modulation of nAChR-channel activity at the endplate region |
P1.13 Angela Marino (Messina) Sulphate transport and –SH groups in human erythrocytes are protected by curcumin after oxidative stress |
P1.14 Maria Marino (Rome) 17β-Estradiol/Neuroglobin a new pathway against oxidative stress in cancer cells |
P1.15 Paola Negri Cesi (Milan) Use of selective α1D-adrenoreceptor blocker to study the involvement of this AR subtype in transformed prostate cell survival and motility |
P1.16 Cristiana Perrotta (Milan) Modulation of acid sphingomyelinase in melanoma reprogrammes the tumour immune microenvironment |
P1.17 Giulia Raina (Novara) Calcium handling in porcine coronary endothelial cells by adiponectin |
P1.18 Francesca Uberti (Novara) Role of low dose acetylcholine in wound healing |
P1.19 Emanuela Urso (Lecce) Potential intersection of nitric oxide pathways with copper homeostasis in endothelial cells |
P1.20 Laura Vergani (Genoa) Induction of oxidative stress and inflammation in human vascular endothelial cells by fine quartz particles |
P1.21 Nunzio Vicario (Catania) Connexin involvement in the protective effect of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells conditioned medium in SH-SY5Y Cell Line during hypoxia/re-oxygenation stress |
P2.1 Cinzia Bottino (Pavia) Hormonal control of subcutaneous adipose tissue aquaglyceroporins |
P2.2 Federica Cioffi (Benevento) The effect of fructose-rich diet on mtDNA oxidative damage |
P2.3 Martina Di Maro (Naples) Assessment of body composition in old obese females with type II diabetes |
P2.4 Elena Fabbri (Ravenna) Investigating transcriptional and metabolic regulation in different life stages of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
P2.5 Rosario Gulino (Catania) Mesenchymal stem cells seeded into a collagen/hydroxyapatite scaffold increase ectopic bone formation in vivo |
P2.6 Eglantina Idrizaj (Florence) Influence of glucagon-like peptide 2 on the neurally-induced relaxant responses in strips from the gastric fundus of mice |
P2.7 Alessandro Leone (Milan) Dietary habits and eating behavior in metabolically obese normal weight Italian women |
P2.8 Lilla' Lionetti (Naples) Chronic exposure to high fat feeding and environmental pollutants: effect on mitochondrial function in different tissues in rats |
P2.9 Rosanna Mallamaci (Bari) Mucosal molecular pattern of tissue transglutaminase and interferon gamma in celiac disease with and without serological markers |
P2.10 Lucia Martinoli (Rome) Antioxidant effects of poliphenols extracts by raw vs coocked apple on cellular cultures monolayer CaCo-2 |
P2.11 Andrea Mazzatenta (Chieti) Real time volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analysis in aging |
P2.12 Andrea Moriondo (Varese) Contribution of smooth and skeletal muscle contractions to lymphatic propulsion |
P2.13 Espedita Muscariello (Naples) Hydration status in older females with type II diabetes before and after hypocaloric diet |
P2.14 Matteo Pecchiari (Milan) Friction and morphology of pleural mesothelia |
P2.15 Daniela Pellegrino (Arcavacata di Rende, CS) No oxidative stress but reduced antioxidant status is associated with cardiovascular risk factors |
P2.16 Raffaella Rastaldo (Orbassano) The role of EGFR transactivation in apelin-induced cardioprotection |
P2.17 Carmine Rocca (Arcavacata di Rende, CS) The innovative Spread Bio-Oil prevents metabolic disorders and protects against myocardial ischemic injury in rats |
P2.18 Alessandro Rubini (Padua) The effects of prone with respect to supine position on stress relaxation and respiratory mechanics measured by the end-inflation occlusion method in the rat |
P2.19 Adriana Voci (Genoa) Lipid-lowering effect of iodothyronines in steatotic hepatocytes is mediated by ATGL recruitment on LD surface and stimulation of mitochondrial oxidation |
P3.1 Ambra Bisio (Genoa) Motor training occludes plastic modifications of M1 excitability evoked by the combination of action observation and peripheral nerve stimulation |
P3.2 Monica Canepari (Pavia) Unacylated Ghrelin inhibits dexamethasone-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in mice |
P3.3 Roberto Esposti (Milan) Availability of visual information modulates timing of anticipatory postural adjustments during arm reaching movements |
P3.4 Emanuela Faelli (Genoa) Movement lateralization in performing hand motor task in tennis players |
P3.5 Sara Fossati (Genoa) Involvement of mTOR in muscle exercise and growing |
P3.6 Marco Linari (Sesto Fiorentino, FI) In situ characterization of slow and fast isoforms of muscle myosin |
P3.7 Sarah Pambianco (Milan) Persistent inhibition of mitochondrial biogenesis in muscular dystrophy: identification of nitric oxide-dependent salvage pathway |
P3.8 Gabriella Piazzesi (Sesto Fiorentino, FI) Sources of non-linear elasticity of the muscle sarcomere |
P3.9 Giovanna Traina (Perugia) Postural disorders produced by inadequate school furniture on a population of a junior high school |
P3.10 Massimo Venturelli (Milan) Central and peripheral responses to static and dynamic skeletal muscle stretching |
P4.1 Anna Maria Aloisi (Siena) Study on the analgesic properties of Nelsonia canescens aerial parts in Wistar rats |
P4.2 Davide Aprile (Genoa) Physiological role of TBC1D24 in acquisition of neural polarity and in synaptic function |
P4.3 Emily Aurand (Trieste) Biocompatibility of carbon nanotube-based scaffolds in neural tissue |
P4.4 Rosanna Avola (Catania) Evaluation of aquaporins during glial or neuronal differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell from human adipose tissue |
P4.5 Tommaso Banfi (Pisa) Daytime napping enhances impulse control |
P4.6 Raffaella Barbieri (Genoa) Effects of synapsins I and II in the hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult brain |
P4.7 Ombretta Becciu Mameli (Sassari) A sensory-motor trigeminal-hypoglossal loop modulates the whisker pad extrinsic muscles in the rat |
P4.8 Pasquale Bianco (Sesto Fiorentino, FI) A novel approach to study mechano-transduction in neurons |
P4.9 Gerardo Biella (Pavia) Impairment of cortical inputs towards striatal medium-spiny neurons and fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons in two mouse models of Huntington’s Disease (HD) |
P4.10 Yuri Bozzi (Trento) Hippocampal dysregulation of FMRP-mGluR5 signaling pathway in engrailed-2 knockout mice, a model of autism spectrum disorders |
P4.11 Luca Bragina (Ancona) Heterogeneity distribution of proteins mediating asynchronous release at cortical GABAergic synapses |
P4.12 Mattia Bramini (Genoa) Towards graphene for biomedical applications: the nanosafety concern |
P4.13 Simona Capsoni (Pisa) Painless NGF rescues behavioral deficits and amyloidogenic phenotype in 5xFAD Alzheimer model by modulating glial function and chemokines expression |
P4.14 Stefano Casali (Pavia) Detailed modeling of Golgi cell connectivity reveals the inner structure of granular layer activity |
P4.15 Martina Chiacchiaretta (Genoa) Specific modulation of REST/NRSF activity in astrocytes cells: a new optogenetic approach |
P4.16 Marinella Coco (Catania) Working memory and high blood lactate levels |
P4.17 Stefania Criscuolo (Genoa) Optogenetic modulation of RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) via DNA and RNA strategies |
P4.18 Marianna Crispino (Naples) Modulation of synaptic protein synthesis in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease |
P4.19 Francescaelena De Rose (Cagliari) Non‐motor symptoms in Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease: olfactory dysfunction in PINK1B9 and LRRK2 loss-of-function mutants |
P4.20 Maria Egle De Stefano (Roma) Response to acute corticosterone treatment of hippocampal neurons in vitro is reduced in dystrophic mdx mice compared to wild-type |
P4.21 Michela Di Mauro (Perugia) Local synthesis of sex neurosteroids drives the induction of LTP or LTD in the CA1 hippocampal region of male rats |
P4.22 Mara Fabri (Ancona) Imitation strategies in psychotic patients |
P4.23 Manuela Fadda (Genoa) The small GTPase Arf6 acts as a presynaptic chaperone in determining direct versus endosomal recycling of synaptic vesicles |
P4.24 Angelo Forli (Genoa) Patterned stimulation of channelrhodopsin-2 in vivo |
P4.25 Nicola Forte (Genoa) Synapsin 1 regulates the balance between synchronous and asynchronous release of GABA in parvalbumin interneurons |
P4.26 Mahad Gatti Iou (Verona) Computational modeling and simulations of optogenetic probes to modulate gene expression |
P4.27 Adriano Gonnelli (Padua) LRRK2 phosphorylates pre-synaptic N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF) enhancing its ATPase activity |
P4.28 Fanny Jaudon (Genoa) Kidins220/ARMS is a novel modulator of astrocyte physiology |
P4.29 Guido Li Volsi (Catania) Gabaergic influence on resting activity and somatosensory responses of vestibular neurons |
P4.30 Cristina Limatola (Rome) KCa3.1 inhibition switches the phenotype of glioma infiltrating microglia/macrophages |
P4.31 Francesca Locatelli (Pavia) Evidence for long-term synaptic plasticity at the Mossy Fiber - Golgi cell synapse of cerebellum |
P4.32 Davide Lovisolo (Turin) REST levels affect the functional expression of voltage dependent calcium channels and the migratory activity in immortalized GnRH neurons |
P4.33 Michele Maffia (Lecce) Proteomic analysis of rat peripheral nerves implanted with micro-patterned collagen scaffold |
P4.34 Lisa Mapelli (Pavia) Neurovascular coupling at the cerebellar granular layer |
P4.35 Antonella Marte (Genoa) The protein kinase LRRK2 is involved in neurotransmitter release by interacting and phosphorylating synapsin I in nerve terminals |
P4.36 Simone Meneghini (Milan) Heteromeric nicotinic receptors and autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE): a study on mice expressing or not the β2-V287L subunit |
P4.37 Caterina Michetti (Genoa) Behavioral and neuro-anatomical characterization of Synapsin II mouse |
P4.38 Claudio Molinari (Novara) The role of vitamin D on neuronal cells during oxidative stress |
P4.39 Alessandra Piccini (Genoa) Phosphorylation by PKA and Cdk5 mediates the early effects of Synapsin III in neuronal morphological maturation |
P4.40 Valentina Piserchia (Bologna) Depth and direction contribution to encoding of reaching in 3D: a kinematic study |
P4.41 Francesca Prestori (Pavia) Cooperative coincidence detectors control mixed pre- and postsynaptic expression of spike-timing dependent plasticity at the cerebellar input stage |
P4.42 Alessandra Raspanti (Pavia) Effects of riluzole on resurgent sodium current in medial entorhinal cortex layer-II stellate cells |
P4.43 Elisa Reisoli (Genoa) ITGB3 in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs): biological implications and therapeutic opportunities |
P4.44 Cristina Russo (Catania) Effects of different musical frequencies on ventromedial hypothalamus NPY and Ghrelin secretion in the rat |
P4.45 Silvio Sacchetti (Genoa) Functional role of the Ca2+-binding site of Synapsin I in synaptic transmission |
P4.46 Luigi Salvioli (Pavia) Hippocampal synaptic connectivity in a mouse model of Down syndrome: effects of a novel γ-secretase inhibitor |
P4.47 Enrica Santarcangelo (Pisa) Paradoxical effects of the cerebellar direct transcranial stimulation (tDCS) on pain |
P4.48 Annyesha Satapathy (Genoa) Kidins220/ARMS modulates neuronal growth in the adult cortico-hippocampal circuits |
P4.49 Teresa Soda (Pavia) Cerebellar hyper-plasticity in autistic IB2 KO mice |
P4.50 Bruno Sterlini (Genoa) PRRT2 is a novel presynaptic protein involved in the regulation of neurotransmitter release |
P4.51 Francesca Talpo (Monza) Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases influence the development of the hippocampal GABAergic circuits |
P4.52 Mauro Toselli (Pavia) Functional benchmarking of neuronal induced pluripotent human stem cells derived from subjects affected by Huntington’s disease |
P4.53 Dania Vecchia (Genoa) Intra- and trans-laminar control of cortical excitability by the prototypical output layer V |
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